"Maeglin" <maeglin.lomion@tiscali.it> wrote in message
> Maybe somebody can explain me.

I certainly can't explain everything in EoE, but I can attempt at some

> During the serie (+ movies) we are presented three kind of endings:
> 1) An angel comes in physical contact with Adam

That would be the BAD 3rd Impact which would involve mankind being
destroyed, yadda yadda yadda.

> 2) Gendou Ikari with embryo of Adam in his body (hand) comes in contact
> Lilith

This would be the GOOD 3rd Impact, under the control of Gendou.

> 3) EVA01 (with S2 engine inside) becomes a new deity by merging with

This is also a good 3rd Impact, but under the control of Shinji (in

> 4) What should had happened if the Seele had not loose the lance of
> Longinus? Why this was not indispensable (to do what)?

I'm not quite sure, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with them
initiating 3rd Impact so that they'd be in control of it.

> 5) The 3rd Impact happened in the film, is the same wanted by the Seele?
> not what was wrong for Seele?

I don't think it was their plan. They had planned to initiate it to be in
control of it.

EoE's a rough subject. I hope I helped where I could. ^_^;;

Taryn : http://taryn.shirataki.net