"thegoons" <thegoons@bigpond.com> said:

>Shameful behaviour yet again by Japanese.
>Note following links:
>1. http://smh.com.au/ftimages/2003/11/05/1067708222113.html
>2. http://smh.com.au/ftimages/2003/11/05/1067708222111.html
>3. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/10/30/1067233315898.html

Fuck a dolphin! Save the chicken Mike Cash has
been choking for the last 20+ years. Save an
ugly-ass cow, a smelly old pig. Who decides which
animals are okay to kill and which are not? Our
Save the Cute Animals and Fuck the Ugly Ones
Policy is retarded.

the severe subnormal foreigner