Re: Is Rei attracted to Gendo?
"Richard Qunt" <> wrote in message
> "Amani" <> wrote in message
> > If you want to take advantage of young teenage girls who are so lost in
> the
> > world they don't know any better, go ahead. That's on your morals.
> Maybe the Japanese like to credit young women with much more inteligence
> than you do?
Wow, you don't know teenage girls. Intelligence has nothing to do with
emotional stability. There are tons of extremely intelligent teenage
females. But the fact of the matter is it is the most insecure, unstable
period of a female's life. Teenage females are in a constant search for
self-esteem because they are constantly being shot down by other females,
the unnatural societal demands of the perfect female body, and other
aspects. You will be EXTREMELY hard pressed not to find one who isn't. It's
an extremely unstable point in a girl's life.
The reason the Japanese age of consent is at a lower age than America is a
culture aspect, I would imagine. The societal structure is still very much
male-dominated. They didn't get the huge uprising of feminism the Western
world did.
> > One, she is not a direct clone of Yui. She has a mixture of Yui's DNA
> > Angel DNA.
> No, she is has Yui's DNA and the SOUL of an Angel. Physically she is
> human.
No, actually, besides having Lilith's soul, she also has a mixture of her
DNA. If she was a precise clone with Yui's exact DNA, she would look exactly
like her. While she looks like Yui VERY much, that's not the case.
> > Two, having a clone of something else does not mean they are the
> > same age. It means they have the same DNA. But Rei IS 14, because she
> > been alive for 14 years. Are you going to say in Fuyuutsuki's flashback
> > episode, that Rei wasn't REALLY under ten, because she's a clone of Yui?
> Rei had to have been created after Yui's death in 2004. There is no proof
> that she was around prior to this. If the first Rei had not been killed in
> 2010, she would be a maximum of 11 years old in human years at the time of
> the series. The Rei we see in the series is 5 years old (though she could
> also be 11 if the 'ReiQuarium' was created along with Rei I in 2004). Rei
> clearly has the body of a fully-grown woman (NOT an 11 or 14 year old
> meaning that Gendo has the ability to create clones of whatever physical
> he wishes. The age given to her is just a cover story.
Alright, I concede the points about the number of years she could be alive.
But I won't concede that she necessarily has the body of a full-grown woman
just because certain aspects have developed, which can be entirely normal at
14. But no, look at her face: she's still definitely young.
> > Where are the examples of Rei's maturity? If anything, she knows nothing
> > about emotions. I'm not saying she's an immature ditz, I'm saying that
> > quiet nature can't be taken as proof of her maturity. She's very
> > and, in a way, naive.
> She is smart enough to see through Asuka's bitching and blustering and
> mature enough not to rise to it. She is perceptive enough to know the best
> way to deal with the annoying, whiny redhead - ripping her apart often
> without uttering more than a word.
> > Asuka has major emotional problems, herself. But most of the characters
> > NGE are pretty immature.
> >
> > And then PLEASE give me an example of Rei's superior intelligence. We
> > proof of Asuka's: she's 14 and she's already been through college.
> > pretty damn good.
> Her graduating college is proof that she can remember and regurgitate the
> limited range of learned facts nescessary to pass the final exams, not of
> true intelligence.
Sorry, I take graduating college at 14 as a sign of a high level of
> > Am I saying Rei's stupid? No. I'm saying we don't really
> > have proof of what level of intelligence she has. Just because the
> > Rei-obsessees take every opportunity to bash Asuka and take a billion
> > meanings from Rei's silences that mostly involve her being the most
> mature,
> > intelligent, sex-obsessed character ever, doesn't mean it has even the
> > slightest shred of evidence in the series.
> Listen to the few comments that Rei makes about the nature of her own
> humanity and existence. She is very, very perceptive - she sits, she
> she notices things. Perhaps she doesn't understand how it applies to
> herself, but she has a very good knowledge of what makes the people around
> her tick, how their emotions interact and the problems that this causes.
> is above the childish bickering that Shinji and Asuka get involved in and
> has a true sense of duty and responsibility.
> If Rei were to write a book, I would read it.
> As for sex, I can't see Rei being at all inhibited. Her reaction to
> accidental groping shows us that she does not find her own body dirty or
> shameful. She's not sex crazed and isn't the sort of girl to jump on
> anything with a penis, but I doubt she'd have any hang-ups about it at
> if she met the right person.
Thank God you're a sane Rei fan. I think Rei's great and everything, please
don't take my arguments to mean the contrary, but I get REALLY annoyed at
two certain Rei-fan posters here who insist that Rei is a sex fiend. Ugh.
I really doubt she has any real concept about sex, actually. Not that she's
uninhibited, but that she hasn't been taught the concept. Like Adam and Eve
not knowing they were naked, in a way. I mean, who would've sat down and
gave her "the talk"? Gendou? Somehow I doubt it. ^_^;;
> > Rei is a lost, emotionally confused, naive, broken down girl who wants
> > die but the God of her universe won't let her. She's an excellent
> character
> > worthy of compassion and sympathy, but don't give her amazing traits
> > there's no proof of.
> She doesn't have the life experience, but she has the smarts to overcome
> own shortcomings - if she were given enough time in the series to do so.
> Unfortunately her death and Third Impact got in the way just as she was
> beginning to figure herself out.
> Can you prove that Asuka is anything other than a whiny, immature little
> bitch who enjoys hurting and using other people to boost her own ego? The
> girl is an attention-seeking leech. If anything, I'd say that Rei was the
> emotionally stable one...
I wasn't trying to. I have yet to say Asuka is a superior person. No, she's
an extremely hurt girl who has had tramautic childhood experiences and
craves acceptance and praise. I sympathize with her a great deal, as I do
with Rei, trapped in an unhappy existence with emotions she doesn't
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