Your Opinion Nikon 5700
My Migration (actually switch) to Digital. I am seriously looking at the
Nikon 5700. That's my MAX budget, well a little more.. but for these few
extra bucks it seems the benefit is great.
My Question/Opinion request: What other cameras in the price range should I
consider and compare to the Nikon 5700?
Other input: Battery life, Storage... what are the BIG things I need to
'focus' on when switching from 35mm to Digital.
( Computer 2.4 gig, 1gig DDR Ram, 200 gig storage, CDR/W .. etc etc, I
assume this is mor then enuff!)
Slam it to me boys.. I can take it.. !! (gals to! <wink>)
Oh type of Photography, some Commercial, real estate, brochure stock, for
work, pleasure... people nature... : )
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