Re: Would Evangelion be less interesting without the sexy women?
On 16 Jan 2004 08:17:26 -0800, (Dale) wrote:
>The only response I can think of to those figurines is "Only in Japan"
>I know that Gainax are big on fan service and probably get most of
>their merchandise from selling goods with the girls and women from
>their series. But really this was just taking fanservice a bit too
>far. The ones with Asuka and Rei in their plug suits were okay. I
>didn't even really mind the one with Rei in the mini-skirt, top, and
>Gainax "fuck-me" boots. I would never buy it but if someone else did,
>all the power to them. But who needs the pornographic figurines of Rei
>and Maya? Especially the first one on the page which looks like the
>designer got the position from a doujinshi or porno video.
The nude Rei and Maya models are based on artwork from the 2001 'Women
of Eva' calendar (also seen in the 'Stripping Instrumentality Project'
game). The scans should still be archived on's hentai
forum, if you're interested in seeing them - Ritsuko looks especially
beautiful in those pics...
>Thiugh now that I hvae seen them, I have a morbid desire to know how
>many Gainax has sold? And who buys them?
You should see the 'fan modified' versions of the above... ^_^
Reverend David "PPV" Hawthorne -
ICQ: 339380091
I rode a tank
Held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank...
/ HENTAI \========@
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