On Sat, 26 Jun 2004 08:46:15 +0200, "SleeperMan" <SleeperMan@too.sleepy>
found these unused words floating about:

>schuetzen - RKBA!  typed:
>> SleeperMan wrote:
>>> Pete D  typed:
>>>> Yeah, pretty poor shot. Not one I would show others.
>>>> http://www.macmurph.com/photodb/picture.php?picture_id=20552
>>>> Seymore...
>>>> Owner of an F717/S85... and luvin' it!
>>>>> You have the grainy adaptive sharpening filter.  Now paint some
>>>>> UFOs in there.
>>> How about this one?
>>> http://www.angelfire.com/ex/protoncek/Storm.jpg
>>> (BTW: It's not from me...)
>> this is awesome!! do you know -- oh yeah, this is one from an unknown
>> source.
>> what are the best settings, etc to take a photo like this??
>> 1/30 on a tripod?
>> thanks for the treat!
>Good question - i think that tripod is a must. Then, a looot of luck and
>some knowledge and you're there.
Smallest aperature, possibly with an ND over the lens, then the commensurate
exposure value for the 'normal' scene. HOPE the strike comes while the
shutter's 'open'.