"Tessai" <Tessai@cryogen.com> wrote in message
> Now, on to the meat of this post. The ftp server is still in testing
> phase. I need peope to download more things at random times to get a
> gist of any bandwidth problems that may be occuring. That doesn't mean
> hog up the server for days. Just pick something (say a 200MB episode
> of Lain) and download it. Most ftp clients have some sort of log
> window that will tell you the average speed of a transfer once it's
> done. I need to know these numbers. Averages should hit about 13k/s
> (for evahigh users) and 6k/s (for evalow users). I've heard of people
> getting extremely low speeds (I've mentioned this before), so I need
> to try to associate with the bandwidth problems with times and/or
> certain networks (so include what network you're on too, including
> area).
> So, get a move on people! I need more testers. If you just have to
> email me, email me, but I much rather you reply to this thread so I
> can refer to it later (google cache is your friend).

Hmm... Well, I'm using WS_FTP, and it seems to refuse to give me an average
download speed after I'm done... Downloaded two episodes of Lain and it
keeps referring to them as "Pending" when they're done so it won't be an
average... But while downloading the second, I took a look at the speed
every once in a while and it kept around high 12 k/s to low 13 k/s
consistantly from what I saw, if it's any help. *hopes it is*
