Martin Beutler <> dixit:
>James Eckman wrote:
>>.... If you're
>>learning Japanese, you need to learn how to be more indirect and less
>>blunt. Learning the culture is important if you want to communicate.
>First thanks for your kind advice.
>But yours is not what I' ve been taught(educated) by my tutors and
>lecturers in my Uni, this is not univercity, though.
Uh-huh. So the tutors at your Uni teach you to be blunt and rude?
>Anyway, if my manners sound rude, I would apologize it. I didn't mean it.
Good. The next step is to learn how to say things in a way that is
not rude.
>I don't know Dr. Toda but who is he? Is he really a doctor, where did you
>get that info? And so what?
Hmmmm. "And so what?" is a rather rude expression in English. It means
"I don't care at all about whatever you said/may say".
Jim Breen
Computer Science & Software Engineering,
Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia
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