Using Popular Music in Therapy
Hello Everyone,
My name is Matt and I'm a clinical therapist. I've been doing some really
exciting things in therapy. I work mainly with children and adolescents. I
discovered long ago that children can't just sit down and talk about their
feelings. I love music, and have been using that as a way to reach my
clients. I play guitar, and have written alot of my own music about the
many horrible things I have seen some of my clients face. Once I began
playing these things back for them I realized the power of this type of
I believe that taking an interest in the music your clients listen to can
open a door with them, and get them more invested in therapy. For me, it
often works as a catalyst, and can get us talking about some of their
issues. I will often explore popular music with them, and discuss the
therapeutic values present in them. For example, I love playing Pink's song
family portrait for them. It is a song about how if you look at the family
picture on the wall, everyone is happy. But the reality is the family is
falling apart.
I have a website, and am trying to start a newsletter that I will send out
on a regular basis, featuring a "discussion" of popular songs that can be
used in therapy. It will also include discussion about how this technique
can be used in therapy. I already have compiled several songs (over 150)
but that is really the tip of the iceburg!
I hope that many of you will take an interest in this! If you would like to
subscribe, please send me an email at
Oh yeah, I call my "therapeutic" rock band Freudian Slip, because I sing
songs about how people really feel inside, and a Freudian Slip gives us a
view of that!
Take care,
Check out !!
A site about the power of popular music in therapy
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