On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 00:41:05 +0900, "cc" <cpasuneadresse@spam.com>
belched the alphabet and kept on going with:

>"Ryan Ginstrom" <ginstrom@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>But unfortunately, we still haven't found a hospital
>> that will look at Bill's case.
>I'm sorry to hear that. What you and I think about what should be a good
>system is irrelevant to this problem. I don't like to see people driving
>into a wall. No idea if that wall is a "code of silence" or a complicated
>organisation that doesn't handle well relation with outsiders.
>You should definitely find a doctor (there are 10 of thousands, even a few

Could you point to some foreigners who are licensed to practice
medicine in Japan? I recall in the foreword of Nelson's kanji
dictionary the author commenting on his son passing the exam. But
that's the only one I've ever heard of. I did hear about a medical
doctor from somewhere in South America who is working in Japan....in a
factory on the assembly line. Because his Japanese wasn't good enough
to take the licensing exam in Japan, you see.

Do you really know of any? Or are you just speculating?