"J.C. Bengtson" <golbez@ptd.net> wrote in message
> Just a thought..
> In 'Death' they show Shinji, Asuka, Rei and Kaworu planning to play
> musicial instruments together in the school auditorium, which each child
> arriving every couple of minutes apart, until the movie ends.
> Hold on.
> By the time Kaworu showed up, Asuka was lying in a hospital bed and
> Shinji was too scared to even speak to Rei, let alone greet her with a
> "Good morning Ayanami".
> Was this Anno being obnoxious again or did I _miss_ something here?

Here is a take on it...not saying its correct, hell I've only seen 'Death'
twice.  Maybe its to show that they each had an important part to play in
the 'piece' of events (obviously).  Shinji is first in the room tuning his
instrument and playing when rei walks in.  She is the next character to
enter the story and his life...then Asuska walks in and begins to play her
instrument maybe symbolizing the events that she brought about in the series
and Shinji and everyone else's life I guess for that matter...Then Kaoru
came in at the last minute (remember he came in at the very last in the
series).  Together with all their instruments tuned they begin to play a
song (Kanon d-dur if I remember correctly, not sure) and possibly that song
represents all their stories and events up to there...kind of a big
conclusion for them I guess.  Dont know how to quite explain it but it would
be insteresting to hear other's thoughts.  I dont think that the whole
auditorium instrument scene is to be taken literally but then again, like I
said I'm very new to the series and maybe it should :)
