"Rudolf Polzer" <AntiATField_adsgohere@durchnull.de> wrote:
> Scripsit illud Disaster <disaster@disfanfic.NOSPAM.net>:
> The thwack divider already has been installed. I don't need to activate
> it before a thwack arrives - it's always active. You destroyed my first
> one and my second one still does not work correctly - it seems to ignore
> \*THWACk\*s (everything upper case except the k), which therefore reach
> me. But I'm working on the bug.

I guess you don't understand.

> The problem with the all upper case \*THWACK\* is of course still there
> - these ones just have too much energy to get divided up correctly.

I don't care.

> *building the first thwack mirror prototype*
> *testing it*
> What, it has let it through?
> *continuing work on the plans*


> > > > Traitor!
> > >
> > > This word comes from Latin, from Gibberish. How can you use it then?
> >
> > Because it's not "gibberish" anymore. Perhaps you need a little help,
> > see I'm not speaking Latin regardless of the fact that the language I
> > using comes from it.
> So just because *you*r native language is English, it does not make
> English a "better" language than others. All languages except Japanese
> are to be considered equal in this NG.

So what? That has got nothing to do with this conversation. Regardless if
you think it's equal or more or less it's the language I'm currently

> > I am speaking English, and in English, "Gibberish" can't get you
> > killed like "Traitor" can.
> Do you have death penalty in your state? In Germany it does not exist,
> so nothing can get me killed - theoretically.

I live in a province! In Canada criminal law is written by the fed's and
enforced by the province. Unfortunately we don't have the death penalty
here. Government is a wimp.

Anyhow it doesn't matter if you are really gonn aget the chair or not,
that's not the point. Fact of the matter is that someone somewhere was a
traitor and is getting the chair. Thus gibberish won't get you killed but
Traitor will.
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