"Frank White" <fwhite*NOSPAM*@colfax.com> wrote:
> disaster@disfanfic.net says...
> > Yes it does! It means it's a not gonna happen idea!
> OK, OK!
> Sheesh.
> Some people become the omnipotent rulers of their own private
> worlds and it goes right to their heads...

I can't believe there are some people still catching up to this idea.

> > I said no!
> MAN, you're cranky today!
> Take a half dozen Rei's and go back to bed.

That would be rather filling!

> > Yes! That was my first alternate Rei type poll that I did. Note not my
> > first poll!
> Oh.  How did it turn out?

Why don't you go to my site and look it up in the poll history!
Carpe Jugulum
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