Re: Zeruel333 The Hentai One...
"Frank White" <fwhite*NOSPAM*> wrote:
> says...
> And I'm, not talking about storming whatever perfect world
> YOU'VE set up, I'm talking about saving the lives (or at
> least the AT Fields) of people in Anno's IMPERFECT world.
> So there.
Then you need to start paying attention to what you say and where you say
> >No you can't, Trans-Dimensional portage is only one aspect that you
> >have to consider. No I'm not lending you my Engines to help you get in.
> >They wouldn't work anyhow as you'd have hostile intentions and the
> >idealistic laws that govern the place would deny you entry.
> Nuts. Once you get across the barriers, it's only a matter
> of finding the right world from which to jump and you can
> go anywhere.
Oh please listen to what I say when I say it.
> And I'm NOT after YOUR world! What you, the 49 Reis, and
> your wind up Hello Kitty vibrator do in the privacy of your
> Orgy Chamber is YOUR business! I am out to save the others
> from the tyranny of Anno's story telling!
Then as stated above, pay attention to what you say and where you say it.
> So I'm dyslexic. Me shoot.
*Gun gets*
> Better yet, shoot Gendo.
Why? He works for me.
> > It appears that you are somewhat of a dimwitted poor looser but can we
> > that honey thing with Washuu anyhow?
> A) What the heck is a 'looser', and B) You want sprinkles on that?
It's the same as a loser only worser. I don't care about sprinkles! That's
> > Oh I bet my last comment is gonna get something! ;P~
> (Note to self: Suggest to Washuu she start Disaster's
> treatment with massive electroshock therapy, or by
> having Ryouko give him noogies on the noggin until he
> starts talking sense or passes out, whichever comes
> first.)
Told you I'd get a response.
Carpe Jugulum
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