Re: Newbie asks about Iron Maiden and everyone replies!
Disaster <> wrote in message
> "Vaughn L.Porter" <> wrote:
> > Disaster <> wrote:
> > > That phrase you used was created by people basically who needed an
> excuse
> > > to justify the evil in their world. It's an easy way out, not worthy
> of
> > > consideration. And it make me sick just looking at it. It is false and
> > > offends me with it's mere existence.
> >
> > What doesn't offend you? But I apologise.
> Good sensible comments following a logical non-bias system. For everything
> else if I agree it doesn't offend me. Otherwise I may or may not decide to
> rant endlessly depending on how much work I have done that day and if I
> want to go to bed or not.
> Oh work, damn that reminds me, laundry! Hang on..... Damn socks.
Yeah, I know. Work is such a drag.
> > > I am being serious! Those are movies, which at best reflect an aspect
> of
> > > political thinking of the age in which they were created. By political
> > > thinking I mean the general thoughts and consensus of the culture at
> the
> > > time. This is not what I meant before hand. In the world we can split
> > > thinking from mob groups into two sections. Religious and political.
> > > Religious thinking stems from the idea that there is a higher power
> and
> > > from that higher power we receive higher morals and ethics that should
> > > rule our lives. Political thinking has no higher power and instead
> uses
> > > the combined wisdom of the mob to determine the morals and ethics that
> > > should rule out lives. In both scenario's there is a lot of room for
> > > interpretation and because unlike me many people do not believe in God
> (a
> > > higher power) I use the political view point as a common ground. Think
> of
> > > Science versus the Bible. In this case though there is no Creation
> theory.
> >
> > Wow! Your stock just took off with me. Very impressive dissertation.
> > Seriously. Maybe you should consider politics. Or at the very least,
> > education.
> That's hardly called for you moron! I'd hardly call that hard to read or
> interpret, just because you don't understand it doesn't mean that I didn't
> go to school. I'm sorry that you didn't understand it though because it's
> sole purpose was to point out to you just what it was that I was talking
> about before!
Whoa! Time out! I'm not trying to be sarcastic here! I mean it! You do tend
to rant and rave at times, but you do often show you are very enlightened.
Hey, I spent 7 years in collage, and all I have to show for it is a lousy
two-year degree in electronics technology. And you know what that's worth
these days! So yes, I do say stupid things from time to time here. But not
this time.
> > > Does it pay? It does pay here but I've gone on enough of them! ;)
> >
> > Hell, yes, it pays, if you do two things:
> >
> > 1) come up with a topic people want to hear about
> >
> > 2) charge them up the yin-yang to hear you.
> >
> > Also write a book you can sell to those I mean your audience.
> That's not so hard actually. Given the populations size, any topic will
> have a large audience if you can just find them! The problem is finding a
> topic that attract people willing to come pay and listen to it.
If you start hitting the Anime cons more, I'm sure some of your truths on
Eva could attract a considerable crowd. Heck, Tiffany and Amanda might even
be willing to help out (if they're attending)
> > > I wonder if Morgan will read this? I also wonder if he'll miss the
> message
> > > because he can't get over the fact that I think I'm right.
> >
> > Come to think of it, I haven't heard much from Morgan for awhile. I
> think
> > you scared him off.
> Doubtful, Morgan wasn't smart enough to know when to quit.
> --
This is true. But then, sometimes, neither am I!
Vaughn L.Porter
See! I can take pot shots at myself!
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