"DOKool" <DOKool@aol.com> wrote:
> (esper41) wrote:
> > DOKool <DOKool@aol.com> wrote:
> > > I always thought she was a lesbian...
> >
> > Yes, but Asuka and Rei are only 14-years-old, so you lot can just shut
> > your ephebophilic mouths.
> I'm only 16, so i can still legally be attracted to them.  Hah =P

You don't seem to understand the law quite enough. Being underage does not
give you permission to have sex with the opposite gender, it prevents you
just like it prevents those over the legal age limit. You are denied just
as much as anyone else.

Now we are not talking about actual sex obviously but this is where the
idea's and other laws concerning this topic branch from, they all have the
same rules and fundamentals so no matter where you look yer screwed! (pun
fully intended)
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