"Rudolf Polzer" <AntiATField_adsgohere@durchnull.de> wrote:
> "Tessai" <Tessai@cryogen.com>:
> > *thwaps Disaster for being silly*
>  Mighty thwapper, don't you know there's no use doing this? Disaster is
>                 like he is and will stay like he is till eternity.
>    ___ ___ ___   _   ___ _____ ___ ___   _  _  ___  ___ _____ ___ ___
>   |   \_ _/ __| /_\ / __|_   _| __| _ \ | \| |/ _ \/ __|_   _| __| _ \
>   | |) | |\__ \/ _ \\__ \ | | | _||   / | .` | (_) \__ \ | | | _||   /
>   |___/___|___/_/ \_\___/ |_| |___|_|_\ |_|\_|\___/|___/ |_| |___|_|_\
>                     Disaster noster, qui es in JAE,
>                        sanctificentur verba tua.
>                            Adveniat Rei tuum.
>                            Fiat voluntas tua,
>                    sicut in JAE et in Tokyone tertio.
>               Thwackem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,
>                      et dimitte nobis debita nostra
>                 sicut et nos debita debitoribus nostris.
>                     Et ne nos inducas ad Watchmanum,
>                        sed libera nos a mendacio.
>                                Sayonara.
>           ___  _   _ ___   ___ ___ ___   _   ___ _____ ___ ___
>          / _ \| | | | _ \ |   \_ _/ __| /_\ / __|_   _| __| _ \
>         | (_) | |_| |   / | |) | |\__ \/ _ \\__ \ | | | _||   /
>          \___/ \___/|_|_\ |___/___|___/_/ \_\___/ |_| |___|_|_\
>                      Bhe Qvfnfgre, jub neg va WNR,
>                         unyybjrq or Guvar jbeqf,
>                              Gul Erv pbzr.
>                             Gul jvyy or qbar
>                       va Gbxlb-3 nf vg vf va WNR.
>                    Tvir hf guvf qnl bhe qnvyl gujnpx
>                      naq sbetvir hf bhe gerfcnffrf
>               nf jr sbetvir gubfr jub gerfcnff ntnvafg hf.
>                       Naq yrnq hf abg gb Jngpuzna,
>                         ohg qryvire hf sebz yvr.
>                                Fnlbanen.
>            SCNR (V ubcr V jba'g trg rkpbzzhavpngrq sbe guvf)

Are you feeling okay?

I have never been prayed too. It's certainly a unique experience!
Kind regards
Disaster's Fan Fiction - http://www.disfanfic.net
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JAE FAQ - http://www.evafaq.com
Pen^3's JAE FAQ - http://faq.pen3.cjb.net
Convention Reports - http://www.disfanfic.net/conventions