On Mon, 05 Apr 2004 21:17:30 GMT, Toshi <toshi.k@hamburg.de> brought
down from the Mount tablets inscribed:

>Look at this perfect English.
>For the perfect claim, nobody has ability to argue.
>>"Toshi" <toshi.k@hamburg.de> wrote in message
>>> Japanese do not know election.

>>> They vote for a yes-man of a founder.

Very awkward
>>> They think that non-communism is a democratic necessary
>>> and sufficient condition.

Condition of what? Incomplete thought.
>>> Japanese are one of the greatest stupid nation since history
>>> on record begins.

Shouldn't that be "nations"? And "on record" is redundant.

>>> Because they cannot do one's will decision by oneself.

Very awkward.

>>> They have slave nature to leave all to the government and
>>> government officials and members of the Diet.

"a slavish nature"

>>> Japanese follow one's nation unconditionally if it begins to be asked for

>>> They never do military service refusal.

"They never refuse to do military service". (But Japan has no draft,
so the statement is moot anyway).

>>> If only oneself is sacrificed, they believe that their family and whole
>>> are not attacked by the government.

"one's self" and "will not be attacked"

>>> The feeble nation of a sheep change them into cruel fascist army corps
>>> anytime in this way.

"nation of sheep"
"a cruel fascist army corp"

>>> Such a human beings do any kind of cruel act if they wear military

"will" or "would"
And you don't need "a" with the plural "human beings"

>>> Japan does not have the present, the official armed forces,

"at present" (and yes, it does have official armed forces)

>>> and the Self-Defense Force cannot attack other countries and, however,

run on sentence

>>> it revises the constitution and is going to have the official armed

"has revised" or "will revise"

>>> forces the year after next.
>>> In Japan, a national anthem to praise the Emperor system of Japan
>>> to call "KIMIGAYO" already revived in 1999.

Very awkward.

I'll just skip the rest.


Michael Cash

"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."

                                Dr. Howard Sprague
                                Dean of Admissions
                                Mount Pilot College