MBGZ.com Update for week of September 12th, 2003
This week on MBGZ.com - The Smart Site for Investors:
Election 2004
Will Bush face any competition in 2004?
With a slowed economic recovery, unresolved conflict in
Iraq, and a Middle East peace process in shambles,
Democratic hopefuls sense an opportunity coming
in November.
Get to know the Democratic candidates!
View our special side-by-side comparison of the candidates
on the issues.
This week we look at the California Gubernatorial Recall.
Time to Pay in Iraq
Bush asks for more money to fund the war in Iraq.
The president said he would ask for $87 billion dollars to
continue paying for the war effort in Iraq.
This week we take a look at whether the president's request
for more funding makes sense.
End of the Roadmap?
The plan for Middle East peace has fallen apart.
Following a continuing cycle of violence in Israel,
Palestinian PM Abbas resigned. Is this the end of President
Bush's Roadmap to peace?
This week, James Golden talks about the latest events in
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Markets March On
The economy slowly improves.
After quick gains in the spring, the market has stayed
unchanged. Optimists say that the recovery is under way,
just at a slower than desired pace. Others feel that the
economy is poised for a double dip recession.
Speculation among extreme bears is that a housing crash
that would damage the economy is inevitable over the
next few quarters. James Golden asks whether the end
is truly near.
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smart decisions with the securities that they own. MBGZ.com
does this with a unique combination of news and events,
discussions, ratings tools, and real time market data.
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