Edward Mills wrote:
> tm wrote:

> > Not to change the subject or anything, but i've noticed that japanese 
> > pork sucks. You can't find a decent porkchop anywhere. It's all little 
> > tasteless boneless filets. Whatthefuckisup with that?
> Probably diet. When I first moved here in my little village, the main
> business aside from agriculture. was raising pigs.

That's aquaculture, right?

>Can you guess what they
> eat? Bread. That's right, bread and nothing else but bread. Haven't you
> ever wondered what happens to the end slices off a loaf of bread you buy in
> Japan? 

I hadn't, no, but now that you mention it, it has always troubled me 
in the back of my mind. Where do those end slices go?

>Well, they throw them in a dumpster which gets hauled off by people
> who raise pigs. 

Aquaculturalists. They get their food from dumpsters. Got it.

> Not exactly an Atkins diet, and the smell used to get pretty ripe when the
> wind blew the wrong direction on a warm summer day. 

Okay, Thought i was learning something useful, but now i'm confused 
again. Atkins is ripe?