From(投稿者): | "DJ Gravity" <Idontthinkso@ifyouthinki'> |
Newsgroups(投稿グループ): | japan.sports.prowrestling |
Subject(見出し): | New Forum |
Date(投稿日時): | Tue, 27 Jun 2006 17:48:09 GMT |
Organization(所属): | EasyNews, UseNet made Easy! |
Message-ID(記事識別符号): | (G) <tbeog.256965$> |
Hey, I just launched my new dedicated Wrestling web forum. Discussion about anything wrestling. Forums for each of the major feds, and also an indy section. Sign up now so you can join the E-Fed, it launches July 4th!!! Don't miss out, it's gonna be huge! See you there!