Re: American Medical "Care"
On Sun, 18 Jul 2004 15:24:21 +0900, tm <tm@tmoero.invalid> brought
down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>Michael Cash wrote:
>> Michael Cash inscribed:
>> >This is from an e-mail from my mother. Kim is my sister.
>> >
>> >"Kim has been having a lot of headaches and eyes bothering her. She
>> >got her some glasses this month; went to another doctor and he got MRI
>> >and bloodwork. Should have recieved update on that in three
>> >days...she called four times in a week to see if anything had been
>> >confirmed...NO.....we will call you!!!!On the 12 day after the MRI,
>> >the nurse called Kim and told her she had a brain tumor. Kim asked to
>> >speak to the doctor and the replay was. "He is too busy to talk to
>> >you." When can I talk to him? When is your next appointment? On
>> >the 20th! Well, you can talk to him then."
>> Just for the sake of clarity.....
>> My point in posting was to provide an example of how shitty the
>> world's greatest medical care can be. I appreciate the expressions of
>> concern and sympathy, but everyone should feel free to omit them,
>> please.
>I thought the world's greatest medical care was available in Cuba.
>What's her HMO?
Damned if I know. Probably the less I know about that little detail
the better off all concerned will be. Fortunately, my parents brought
her back home and took her to a reputable physician for a second
Michael Cash
"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."
Dr. Howard Sprague
Dean of Admissions
Mount Pilot College
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