Re: Quckdraw McGraw
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 17:28:09 +0900, Declan Murphy
<> belched the alphabet and kept on going
>mr.sumo snr. wrote:
>> BTW does anyone know the primary method by which Brazilians working in Japan
>> send money to their home country?
>According to the Brazilian guy sitting 3 metres on my right, ordinary
>garden variety bank transfer or "Pa-lu-lu" giro at the post office.
> I remember someone telling me about 7
>> years ago that the total annual non-commerical wire transfers from Japan to
>> Brazil was something like USD $2 billion - that's got to be worth an entry
>> in the Brazilian budget accounts.
>In their current account yes. In my previous life I wrote a paper about
>stuff like this - its an interesting field. Oh why Oh why on earth did I
>leave it for engineering and my slow and steady descent to
>salesdude/driver/cleaner/bartender/nappie washer?
>If the annual remittances aggregate does exceed USD$2 billion then it
>would put Brazil #2 behind the Phillipines. Have a browse through
I amended your post.
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