Re: Kakitori Lookalike?
On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 17:25:12 +0900, Brett Robson
<> wrote:
>John Smith wrote:
>> Hello, I have just bought a computer after a break of many years. I
>> used to use a Win3.1 program called Kakitori to help me read. It
>> doesn't seem to work now as it doesn't know anything about Unicode - I
>> think. I recall a chap named Charles Eicher who could ferret out the
>> information anyone wanted and give it to them sarcastically, can anyone
>> Eicher me information about a newer J-Dictionary that might resemble
>> Kakitori?
>> Thanks,
> is my best friend. It puts furigana and the
>meangings on all the kanji on a page or copied text. If your
>grammar is good it's all you need. Only downfall is that it's web
The same deal as Rikai (I'm pretty sure Rikai uses Alex Schonfeld's
code) only not restricted to the web. You need to have the .Net
Framework installed I believe. I use the heck out of this.
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