jwb@csse.monash.edu.au wrote:
> Craig Welch <craig@pacific.net.sg> dixit:
>> Medgya wrote:
>>> I had some friends -- an Australian/Japanese couple -- who used Expedia
>>> quite a bit for their international travels. I don't recall hearing
>>> about any problems, though that was a few years ago. Still, I often
>>> find that I get cheaper prices by going directly to the airlines. Last
>>> year I wanted to go from Sapporo to Hobart (Tasmania) and got a great
>>> deal from Quantas... less than half the price that Expedia wanted. So
>>> check around.
>> You can't buy Quantas tickets online.
> Well I can buy Qantas ones. I just went and (almost) bought a return
> ticket to Tokyo. They're $A1269 at the moment.
> (Perhaps they block them from outside the country...)

Indeed, Qantas tickets have been available online from around the world 
for many years.
