Free Video Lesson on MultiTrack Recording
For anybody interested, I posed a free Video lesson this month on doing
a bunch of techniques involved in MultiTrack recording and writing a
lead solo.
There's stuff about recording a song, coming up with a lead solo... a
flash video showing slowly how the solo was put together. There's also a
bunch of MP3's showing the original versions of the isolated solo as
well as some instrumentals to practice to.
I also tracked the 16 part harmony tracks for those guys who kept
bugging me for em.
The song was recorded using basic home recording equipment to give
thehome recordists an idea of how easy it is to record songs on your own
equipment. ie, I only used a Mac G3 (circa 1987) , Cubase and a few VST
instruments while I was in Cornwall, rather than using a full blown
studio so the whole thing was done sitting at a computer which should
hopefully inspire some of yooz guys to build your own basic home studios
and start work yourself. I read a lot of posts in the forum about
putting together studios and recording their own material so hopefully
this will give a bit of inspiration.
The process of doing 'one man band' recordings is so easy it's laughable
and hopefully a whole bunch more Guitar Tricks members will get into and
get their stuff out on the web.
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