On 9 May 2003 18:24:15 -0700, smilinglord@hotmail.com (Hand-of-Omega)

>"goat" <goat@goat.goat> wrote in message news:<1052518403.59433.0@ersa.uk.clara.net>...
>> A virgin is clean. She has never been soiled by another guys cum inside her.
>> No matter how many men she has afterwards, I was the one that had her first
>> and broke her in. in a way she belongs to me forever. I like the way that
>> anime girls blush and cry when they lose their virginity too. She'd also be
>> really, really tight too.
>Am I the only one hearing Goat's "voice" as a Peter Lorre-ish kind of thing...?

I'd always imagined him sounding a bit like Barry White...
Reverend David "PPV" Hawthorne - 

I wish that I could turn back time,
'cos now the guilt is all mine.
Can't live without
the trust from those you love.
I know we can't forget the past
you can't forget love & pride,
because of that, it's killing me inside.

      / HENTAI \========@
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