Re: Rei Ayanami body pillows?
Scripsit iste aut ista »Shez« <>:
> Once upon a time in the faraway land of,
> Richard Qunt <> said:
> >Does anyone know where I can buy a Rei Ayanami (or failing that, a Ritsuko
> >Akagi) bishoujo body pillow in the UK?
> I'm sure Wednesday knows the answer to this question, though I'm not
> sure why it was her rather than goat that had a link to such stuff.
> I thought the body pillows looked rather sweet, but it's said that
> actually being a Rei Ayanami body pillow may not be a particularly
> pleasant experience.
Hm... what about... an Asuka body pillow? Would fit nice in front of my...
Dart board!
SCNR, hopefully not being the culprit of the next Rei vs. Asuka thread
Asuka in Neon Genesis Evangelion, Episode 26:
"He, hoch mit dir! Zeit zum Aufstehen, du Lahmarsch! Arrgghhh! Du
schwanzgesteuerter Perverser, ich wollte *dich* hochkriegen und
nicht *das da*!" [$(D??(Bbersetzt von Tenchi Illumina]
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