Scripsit ille Gerard Motola <>:
> Rudolf Polzer <> wrote in message news:<>...
> > Scripsit ille aut illa Ramandu <ramandu1@aol.comnojunk>:
> > > Hey, it's Neon Genesis Evangelion product placement in a mainstream American
> > > film, folks!  In a Robin Williams film, even. The movie is excellent as a
> > > psychological thriller, and there's a scene where Robin Williams's character
> > > buys the son of the family he's stalking a NGE action figure. Now, the kid's
> > > description of the MP Eva ("He carries a big sword and kills bad guys!") is a
> > > bit off-base, and Williams doesn't get the pronunciation of "Evangelion" right,
> > 
> > Really? There is more than one "correct" pronounciation. The Japanese
> > one sounds nearly like the German one (and is probably very similar to
> > the Greek one)
> I believe that the modern Greek pronunciation would be
> eh-vahn-YEH-lee-ohn while the ancient Greek would be like the
> Japanese.

Interesting - so even the gamma and not only phi, theta and rho have
changed their pronounciation? Which other letters have?

Then there's a third "correct" pronounciation.

Und was ihre ber$(D??(Bhmten imagin$(D??(Bren Zahlen anbelangt - von denen sogar
die nteste Wurzel immer noch $(D??(Bber 1 Milliarde liegt, und die niemals
negativ werden k$(D??(Bnnen - ...
 (ein Teilnehmer an einem Heise-Forum, den ich jetzt besser nicht nenne)