Re: Tessai I LUB YOU !!
Scripsit illa aut ille Disaster <>:
> "Rudolf Polzer" <> wrote:
> > Scripsit illa aut ille Vaughn L.Porter <>:
> > > Excommunication is the least of your worries, if you continue to inflate
> > > Disaster's already titanic ego-borderline.
> >
> > Titanic? Titanic? Titanic! Let's see whether Disaster is really unsinkable.
> > Where's the next iceberg?
> *Prepares Star portal* Bring it on!
> (Disclaimer: Under no circumstances is Disaster responsible for the utter
> vaporization of your planet due to the repulsion methods used against ice
> bergs.)
*pulling big iceberg planet with light speed*
-- four tousand, three hundred and seventeen years later...
Hey, the warranty of your star portal is over! BTW: It had an integrated
time counter which causes self-destruction when there's no warranty any
-- seventy-one thousand and seventy-six years later...
*putting this planet into a big refrigerator - it nearly melted on the
long long way*
-- seven hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred ninety-seven
years later...
*getting it out of the refrigerator and throwing it directly on Disaster*
Conclusion: Well, it takes a long time, but Disaster is *not* unsinkable!
IMO hat das MS-Update, welches den Euro auf den Code 128 schiebt
([AltGr]+[E] -> "€") die gegenw$(D??(Brtigen Probleme erst ausgel$(D??(Bst. Richtig
ist nur "?" mit dem Code 164 [...]
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