Scripsit illa aut ille Disaster <>:
> "Rudolf Polzer" <> wrote:
> > A similar trick is rephrasing the opinion of someone else to make him
> > deny it - but which then means denying what he said before. It's a way
> > of asking a "Are you completely sure?"-question.
> You want me to hit you over this? I enjoy it actually! Although I'm still
> waiting for you to use it.

I already did. Probably you didn't notice. People never notice this sort
of thing until they're told so. Just take Google and look at my first
posts here.

Once the "trick" was explained, it does not work any more.

> You seem to claim using mind games yet you have not used any yet. I
> suggest you claim credit for those actions that you are responsible
> for.

I never denied that.

But you answered exactly like I guessed you would, therefore verifying
what I think about you.

> > > I have been verbally abused by my peers over the years (still in high
> > > school, 15yrs old) that the majority of insults or anything for that matter
> > > doesn't really bother me.
> >
> > I do not know how insults can bother anyone... in Germany it's the same:
> > you grow up being insulted by many people. No matter where - at school,
> > at school or at school. That's life, that's nature - and it makes
> > sense. The goal of this is that you become independent of other's
> > opinions - that you can be on your own.
> No that's crap! Being mocked is in no way helpful to you. It serve's only
> to drive you away from others and at best will develop walls of distrust
> and dislike with your world.

It creates a natural protection between people. If there has never been
such a thing, someone calls you an asshole and you lie crying on the
floor. Up to a certain limit, getting "used to" insults is OK - but you
surely have seen what happens if this "borderline" is crossed.

> > > What a said about Tiffany was shallow,
> >
> > *I* do not have a problem with that. You have the right to freely
> > express your opinion, and nobody can take it from you. Or don't you have
> > that in .nz?
> Unless it isn't his opinion. For the record, I have yet to hear of any
> country but the US declaring that it's citizens have the right to speak,
> or otherwise express themselves, freely.

Germany does the same. Here an excerpt from our constitution:

|                                    Artikel 5
|           (1) Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und
|           Bild frei zu $(D??(Bu$(D??(Bern und zu verbreiten und sich aus
|           allgemein zug$(D??(Bnglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten.
|           Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung
|           durch Rundfunk und Film werden gew$(D??(Bhrleistet. Eine Zensur
|           findet nicht statt.

Everyone has the right to freeley express his opinion in speech, texts
and pictures and to spread it and to unlimitedly inform oneself from
public sources. The freedom of press and of reporting via
radio/television and film are guaranteed. There's no censorship.

|           (2) Diese Rechte finden ihre Schranken in den Vorschriften
|           der allgemeinen Gesetze, den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zum
|           Schutze der Jugend und in dem Recht der pers$(D??(Bnlichen Ehre.

These rights are limited by the general laws, the laws to protect youth
(probably wrong translation, but you know what is meant) and by the
right of personal honor.

|           (3) Kunst und Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre sind frei.
|           Die Freiheit der Lehre entbindet nicht von der Treue zur
|           Verfassung.

Art and science [...] are free. Freedom of science does not free you
from the constitution.

The only things we may not write are probably the same as according to
US laws: you may not publicly diffame and discriminate, and you may not
for example give minors porn and then argue it's your freedom of press.
Also, you may not go from house to house and fill the post boxes with
paper with the writing "George W. Bush is a m*****f****ng as***le!" and
then say it's your freedom of press.

So do not say the US are the *only* country that has such a right. There
are probably many others.

> > > I admit it, but I don't see why everyone is like "Oh Tiff" blah blah
> > > blah.
> >
> > That's because Disaster is the boss here and Disaster likes Tiff.
> Well, who em I to argue with logic like that?

Why do you take such statments serious? Of course it's not the only
reason for so many people liking Tiff.

> > I hope
> > Disaster does not read this, but I like Miyamura Yuuko better. I heared
> > some other songs sung by her (including some opening songs), and I
> > always find it funny to hear English words spoken by Japanese in an
> > extremely wrong way.
> Fortunately for you I am a dense headed boss and have no idea what you are
> talking about

Never mind. This does not mean you are dumb, I do not even think you are
(hey, you were even able to create an any-browser compatible website!).
It just means that you did not hear it, and does not have anything to do
with being dense headed.

> > Tiff *did* a good job - but once you know the - better - original
> > voices, you won't want to hear the English dubbed ones any more.
> I found the original rather squeaky actually.

But it fits. IMHO it fits better than Tiffany's voice to Asuka's
character, but nobody will ever be able to decide this - you can never
be objective about such things because you heard one voice before the

A typical problem of man.

> > > I am in a great relationship with my girlfriend, and despite what many
> > > people believe about young couples, I am determined not to let this
> > > one get away.
> >
> > Which is completely understandable. But there are too many (Mist, wie
> > hei$(D??(Ben "Mitl$(D??(Bufer" auf Englisch?) "followers" who just write such
> > things because others do and do not even mean what they write. I am sure
> > there are one or two of this sort here, but I'll not explicitly accuse
> > anyone of this.
> Pfft, why not? If you don't wanna accuse anyone then just say that you

I do accuse some posters here of that, but I won't name them. That's
what I meant with the word 'explicitly'.

> > But your posting showed me that you are most probably *not* one of those
> > followers.
> Just as long as we all agree that I'm the boss I don't really care who is
> what kind of follower!
> *Evil grin*


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