October 21, 2003

Press Release

Patnor Publishing, publishers of the New Start Suspense Series (written 
by Patricia Birtwistle, a retired Special Education Consultant) is 
pleased to announce their new redesigned website at 

This new web site, designed by Niagara College Professor Linda Roote, 
offers the ability to evaluate the books by downloading a free chapter 
from the first novel, "The Swamp". It also includes the impressive 
results of the field tests, feedback from students, an article from the 
Welland Tribune, and a variety of methods to purchase the books. A 
Teacher/Librarian described these books as finally filling a "black 
hole" in literature.  If you know a person who has trouble reading you 
won't go wrong by letting their parents or teachers know about this new 
series of suspense novelettes!

The New Start Suspense Series is a set of new books, now available, for 
those people in your life, young and older, who may experience 
difficulty reading. The series is a set of six short suspense novelettes 
with high interest but low vocabulary (grades 2-3) and is targeted 
towards the reluctant reader, ESL, brain injured, learning disabled, 
those diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and adults with literacy 
issues.  For some people, reading these novelettes will be the very 
first time in their lives that they've read a book cover to cover!

Response has been amazing, with books ordered from the Yukon, Alberta, 
Manitoba, Ontario and New York state, just in the last two months.

