On Sun, 22 Dec 2002 12:12:19 +0100, "Jigotai" <jigo@ono.es> wrote:

>Nice performance!!!
>If you asked me, I'd say it is a kind of Ura Nnage. However, I think that
>technique should be very inneficient in a randori because if uke doesn't
>help, tori is totally unable to do it. Not tsukuri, not kuzushi at all.
>It looks like a technique of WWF wrestling.
>Best regards

All  techniques is efficient in the right situation. Now wether that
situation will apear is a whole different story. In my opinion,
everyone should learn atlesat on throw that works in a way like Ura
Nage. If this is a good ont to choose? Well it mainly depends on what
other throws u have in your baskett. I would not advice anyone to do
any special study of this thorw in order to use it in a competition. A
good and solid O uchi gari or O soto gari is far more likely to be
used. But if u feel this throw may fill a gap and give u a good
oportunity, why not? I'm confident it works. But for me? probably not
I'll just continue trying to get my Hisa guruma to work the way I
want. =)