On Mon, 01 Dec 2003 19:59:19 +0900, The 2-Belo
<the2belo@msd.biPOKPOKglobe.ne.jp> belched the alphabet and kept on
going with:

>Declan Murphy and fj.life.in-japan is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>Don't know about "so friendly", just not up to the usual standards to 
>>which I have become accustomed. Unless I get hit by a truck or 
>Don't tempt Mike. You know Ol' Leadfoot wouldn't let such an opportunity pass
>him by.

More like Ol' Heliumfoot since we got digital tachographs installed in
our trucks. Most days the fastest I go is about 57kmh. My top speed on
non-expressways in October was 59kmh. Tops I've been on expressways is
about 77kmh.