Reply by email, filling out this form and emailing it to me.
Trimming off the rest of this post is unnecessary.

I will guarantee anonymity except in cases of blatant abuse.
I will achieve anonymity by tallying the results in
uncorrelated tabulations and then deleting the emails.
(I know this loses interesting correlation data, but if
resondents want anonymity it's hard to avoid.)
I know that this anonymity promise depends on trust and that
you have no particular reason to trust me. Someday, I hope.
I will post results Saturday.

 xxxxxxxx  beginning of survey  xxxxxxxx

 yes( )   ( )no Should RoadRunner be subjected to some kind of UDP?
 yes( )   ( )no ... active UDP (cancels) ?
 yes( )   ( )no ... passive UDP (drop messages) ?
 yes( )   ( )no ... all-groups UDP? (as opposed to specific groups)
 yes( )   ( )no Are you a Usenet sysadmin? How big:_   How long:_
 yes( )   ( )no Should another server be subjected to UDP? Who:_
 yes( )   ( )no Should UDPs be used more often?
 yes( )   ( )no Should UDPs be used less often?
 yes( )   ( )no Would you have answered this survey without anonymity?

 xxxxxxxx  end of survey  xxxxxxxx 

we were
jammed in very tightly.  The hard wooden seats were un-
comfortable, and I wished that I could sit on the floor.  The
train jolted on, coming to a creaky halt, so it seemed, every
time I had just managed to go to sleep.  Very late the follow-
ing night, after a painful journey of some four hundred and
eighty miles or so, we drew into a second-rate station at


Kiev.  There was much bustling, much shouting, and we all  
marched off to the local barracks for the night.  I was shoved  
into a cell and after many hours I was awakened from my          
sleep by the entry of a Commissar and his assistant.  They     
asked me questions, endless questions, and after perhaps       
two or two and a half hours, they went out again.               
    For some time I tossed and turned, trying to get to sleep.     
Violent hands smacked my face, shouting "wake up, wake          
up, are you dead?  Here is food.  Hurry-you have minutes          
only before you leave."
   Food?  More cabbage soup.  More sour black bread, and
water to drink.  I gulped the stuff down, afraid that I should   
have to go befor