Michael Cash wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 23:52:56 GMT, Travers Naran
> <tnaran@no-more-virii-please.direct.ca> brought down from the Mount
> tablets inscribed:
>>Michael Cash wrote:
>>>On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 18:59:04 GMT, Travers Naran
>>><tnaran@no-more-virii-please.direct.ca> brought down from the Mount
>>>tablets inscribed:
>>>>Michael Cash wrote:
>>>>>On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 20:36:56 +0900, "Fabian" <lajzar@hotmail.com>
>>>>>brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>>>>>Winston hu kiteb:
>>>>>>>They were looking forward to the gaijin visiting. It is not fair to
>>>>>>>provide them with asian students.
>>>>>>Yes, it would be terrible if the Japanese kids had their illusiosn 
>>>>>>shatterred and learned that Australia is actually a multi-cultural 
>>>>>>society wouldn't it?
>>>>>Or that "Australian" isn't a race.
>>>>What about the aboriginals?
>>>The fact that you used a different word there ought to go a long way
>>>towards helping you answer that question for yourself.
>>Well, the full term is Australian aboriginals (to distinguish them from the 
>>British transported type Australians), and their "race" (if you can call it 
>>that) exists no where else on the planet.
> You have used the word "Australian" twice there to refer to two
> distinct groups of people....which sort of weakens any point that you
> may wish to be making that the word "Australian" denotes a race of
> people.

Well, all the groups in Australia do have a distinctive culture, language
and cuisine. ;-)  Unless Foster's commercials lie to me.

But then again, some Japanese seem to refer to アメリカ人 as a racial