Aug 31 (EDT) -- KAL-007 Shootdown 20th Anniversary

This Sunday is the 20th anniversary of the downing of Korean Airlines flight
007 by the Soviet Union (Sep 1, local time). It was probably the second (to
the Cuban missile crisis) nearly-hottest point in the Cold War, as
Andropov's paranoid conviction that Reagan was preparing a nuclear sneak
attack on the USSR had their side near hair-trigger. Then this tragic
accident compounded by knee-jerking, and things tottered....    These days,
I'm most interested in any anniversary coverage with the theme of "questions
persist", mostly about long-discredited conspiracy theories. Anybody
interested in well-grounded in-depth assessment of the aviation catastrophe,
and the way it was represented and MIS-represented for political and
ideological profit, I invite to my home page collection of articles.

Jim Oberg