On 26 Oct 2003 05:27:55 GMT, "SR" <srindler@da2.so-net.ne.jp> belched
the alphabet and kept on going with:

>I received the following email
>and wonder whether this is true. According to this enterprise, the number of
>online users is very close to 14,000,000. That's 4 to 5 times that of
>If this is true, it might be well worth to join this 1.99$/month goodie.
>Has anybody experience with it?

Never heard of it, but I would be leery of it. Why register and pay a
fee to engage in an illegal activity? Without ever saying it, they
give the impression (at least to me) that their service solves the
piracy issues plaguing other services such as Kazaa.

And what is up with their home page http://www.247downloads.com ? The
whole page is nothing but one large gif file. Clicking anywhere on the
page takes you to the signup form. Call me paranoid, but I smell a