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"J & K" <jitekiyuraku@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Two Japanese girls wanna have something fun and interesting on the 19th,
> Saturday in New York City. We just arrived in N.Y. yesterday.
> We are mature, love dining out,travel(actually we just came back from
> and movies, enjoy meeting two hot good looking guys for fun, and maybe a
> more!
> We know it is a short notice but if it is possible we wanna see two of you
> guys. Wanna enjoy interesting conversation about many things over the
> dinner? And then do some clubbing, and become intimate? We are open minded
> to have a 4-some. Let us know what you would want to do.
> Can you make it?
> We are looking for to hearing from you!!
> Please write to J and K
> jitekiyuraku@hotmail.com
> Ciao!!!