Corrupted Power Management on Toshiba 8100 under XP Pro SP2
My laptop will not charge whilst in use - rather it discharges the
batteries, which must then be recharged with the machine shiutdown!
In Device Manager I've disabled, uninstalled & (XP then automatically
re-instals & enables) the Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method
But still this annoyance persists.
Any thoughts anyone?
Forever hopeful ................... NW in NZ
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
GnuPG Key ID = ECC8A735
GnuPG Key fingerprint = 9BE6 B9E9 55A5 A499 CD51 946E 9BDC 7870 ECC8 A735