On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 13:08:19 +0900, tm <tm@tmoero.invalid>

>Worst job in Tokyo- bitter old lady who cleans the men's toilet in 
>Shinjuku station.

Kabuki-cho Charlie has the worst job in Tokyo. Brett told me
about the guy a long time ago and I believe that he even
mentioned him in here. Kabuki-cho Charlie walks around
Shinjuku all night, every night trying to sell \10,000
"Japanese" pussy to gaigin. 

Brett's seen him out as early as 7:00 or 8:00 and I've seen
him at 3:30 in the morning on more than one occaision. He's
paying off his gambling debt to the yakuza. Poor bastard is
out there every single night walking around that urine
saturated, oversized outdoor toilet called Kabuki-cho. He
looks like he's over 60 years old but I'm guessing that he's
in his mid 40's.
