Re: renewing spouse visa...hmmm did I forget anything?
"CL" <> wrote:
> You're right about permanent residence, as far as you take it. However,
> if you have income in countries other than Japan, what things are
> "taxable overseas income" and what isn't changes when the visa changes
> ... as in the host nationals get their hands even deeper into your
> pocket than they had it after you'd been here for five years. And, when
> you leave, you still have to pay the locals their "fair share" for a
> year afterward (not just the one-year lag time on income tax, but a
> year's worth of income earned after you leave) unless you re-enter the
> country for any reason during that year, then they re-set the one year
> clock again. Or so my tax accountant has assured me for the past 15
> years. Since I have never been re-audited, I tend to believe he is
> earning his money. A spouse visa holder only has to pay taxes on income
> up to the day you leave and you can re-enter on a visitor's visa after
> 90 days without incurring further taxation liabilities.
Fair enough. I must admit I hadn't looked into it that deeply.
Dave Fossett
Saitama, Japan
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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