Kaz wrote:

> Daihard <daihardM3NO@SPAMyahoo.com> wrote...
>> Anyone that knows me well would bust out laughing if you called me a
>> right-winger.
> The governor Ishihara who is originally from Suma Kobe is also an
> honorary White worshipping Whites and despising Asians as well as you,
> but he is a rightwinger.

What a shame.  I now know how Dixie Chicks felt about being from the same 
state as President Bush.


Daigoro F. Toyama
  RLU #281828
  KDE 3.0.5 / RedHat 7.3 (kernel 2.4.20-13)
  Mozilla Firebird 0.6 (2003-07-15)