"Dave Fossett" <reply@via.newsgroup> wrote in message
> "another fool" <anotherfool@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Was watching a show last night - think it was called Revenger (they
> > were really brutal to this chick - putting things on the screen like
> > "She is SATAN" and "If you look for evil it will find you").
> >
> > Anyway - host had a baseball cap with "Stylish Motherfucker" on it.
> "London Hearts". I saw that. It is hard to tell how much of that show is
> genuine, but I like the "Black Mail" or "Love Triangle" set-ups they do.
> -- 
> Dave Fossett
> Saitama, Japan

Japanese TV is generally hard to trust but I come down on the side of "this
is real" for London Hearts.
