you can always get a USB drive
"" <> wrote in message
> My DVD unit has died on my PCG-F590.  I tried asking here and cleaning it 
> with Windex and a Q-Tip but nothing will get it to work or let it read a 
> CD. (The servo seems to have died and I am sure it is infernally difficult 
> to repair)
> Does anyone know if there is any available upgrade for this unit I can 
> find anywhere? I would like a DVD/CD-RW or even another DVD-CD-ROM but 
> wonder if the unit in mine is proprietary in some way (like, most 
> importantly,   the connectors at the back) or if I can use a DVD from any 
> other unit or any later Vaio?
> Someone on line somewhere said that any Slimline unit will fit in. The one 
> in my notebook is definitely NOT designed to be taken out or replaced with 
> a floppy or battery etc.
> Does anyone know if only a PCG-F590 DVD unit will fit in this notebook?