Re: I hope
"John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.komm> said:
>Bryan Parker wrote:
>> "John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.komm> said:
>>>In all honesty, my perspective on telemarketers has dramatically changed
>>>since enduring extensive unemployment. Let 'em call; at least they have
>>>a job.
>> You might want to follow in Tom Mabe's footsteps.
>> He found a way to make money at home getting
>> "Revenge on the Telemarketers".
>Wasn't he the guy that crashed a telemarketers convention and called
>their hotel rooms at three in the morning?
I dunno about that. He usually waits for *his*
phone to ring. He might have a phat stack of MP3s
out on the internet somewhere. Who knows?
gaijenetic endowment -
noun: the total of inherited slabttributes
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