We have the following equipment available:

1. Becton-Dickinson FACSort Cell Sorter Flow Cytometer Systems. Available in
two configurations: (1) One Upgrade System with PowerMac FACStastion
Computer, Cell Quest Software, Laser Writer Printer,  Apple 15" Color
Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Manuals, etc. Excellent condition. (2) One
Original Configuration System with HP Consort 32 FACStation Computer, Lysis
II Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, PaintJet Printer, Keyboard,
Mouse, Manuals, etc. Excellent condition. Inquiry for price and ordering

2. Becton-Dickinson FACStar Plus Cell Sorter Flow Cytometer Systems.
Available in two configurations: (1) One Upgrade System with PowerMac
FACStastion Computer, Cell Quest Software, Laser Writer Printer,  Apple 15"
Color Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Manuals, etc. Excellent condition. (2) One
Original Configuration System with HP Consort 32 FACStation Computer, Lysis
II Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, PaintJet Printer, Keyboard,
Mouse, Manuals, etc. Excellent condition. Inquiry for price and ordering

3. ABI Prism 310 Genetic Analyzer. Includes: -310 DNA Sequencer
Module, -Power Mac 4400/200 Computer with OS 7.6.1; -Apple 15" Monitor,
Keyboard, Mouse -310 Sequencing Analysis Software V3.0; -310 Genescan
Software V2.1; -Manuals (i.e. Genescan Sequencing and Chemistry
Guide); -Miscellaneous accessories (i.e. 310 96 well tray, install kit,
power adaptor, power cords, etc.); -Purchased in September 1997 and well
maintained. Respond to receive price with ordering information.

4. HP 1090 HPLC System. Complete with computer, operating software and
miscellaneous accessories. Good condition. Inquiry for price and ordering

5. Pharmacia FPLC System. Complete system with software and manuals.
Includes: Two P-500 Pumps, One LCC-500 Controller, One Single Path Optical
Unit, One UV Monitor Control Unit, One MV-7, One MP5a Mixer, One P-1
Peristatic Pump, One Column, One ACT Fraction Collector, Connecting and
power cables, Miscellaneous Accesories. Good Condition. $9800+shipping

6. Hamilton Microlab AT Plus Pipetting Workstation. Complete system with
sofware, manuals and boxes of unused tips. Excellent condition. $3900

7. Nuaire Laminar Flow Biological Safety Cabinet. 6 ft wide. Stainless steel
work surface, glass front shield, fluorescent lights, blower, minehilic
gauge, etc. Good condition. $3900

8. Forma Bio-Freeze 8417 Ultra Low Temperature Freezer. Features: Forma
Enviro-Scan Microprocessor Monitoring System. Temperature range: -50 to -86
deg. C. Capacity: 17 cu.ft. Upright Model. Excellent condition. $5900.

9. AMSCO Medalist 200. Chamber size: 16"x16"x26". Requires steam source.
Good condition. $5,900+shipping.

10. Barnstead Automatic Lab Autoclave. Chamber size: 16"x16"x26". Requires
steam source. Good condition. $6,900+shipping.

11. Roche Cobas Mira S or Cobas Bio. Complete system with manuals and
miscellaneous accessories. Excellent condition. $8900

12. Techne PHC-3 Thermal Cycler PCR machine. 96 well heated block.
Programmable in  5 languages. Excellent condition. $1200

13. Perkin-Elmer Cetus DNA Thermal Cycler. 96 well heated block.
Programmable. Good condition. $1100

14. ACL 100 Automatic Coagulation Analyzer. Complete with accesories.
Excellent condition. $1800

15. Radiometer ABL 3 Acid-Base Laboratory Analyzer. Good condition. $1200

16. Biorad 2110 Fraction Collector. Designed for HPLC System. Excellent
condition. $250

17. LKB Ultrospec UV/VIS Spectrophotometer. Digital Display, Keypad, etc.
Excellent condition. $1,600

18. Pharmacia Novaspec II UV/VIS Spectrophometer. Model LKB 4040. Range:
350-900nm. Features: Digital display, Keypad, Recorder Output, RS232C
Interface. Excellent condition. $1200

19. Sorvall T6000B Benchtop Centrifuge. Max Speed 6000RPM. Not refrigerated.
Includes one Sorvall H1000B rotor with 4 buckets and tube inserts.
Excellent condition. $1200+shipping.

20. ABI 391 DNA Synthesizer PCR Mate EP. Complete with Software Version 1.0.
Includes one MAC Computer. Excellent condition. $2500

Respond with item# or name to receive additional information with picture
and ordering information.

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