[Internet Safety] New E-Mail Worm Targets Hole in Internet Explorer
New E-Mail Worm Targets Hole in Internet Explorer
Thu Sep 18, 7:44 PM ET
Technology - Reuters
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Anti-virus companies warned on Thursday
of a new computer worm circulating through e-mail that purports to
be security software from Microsoft Corp. but actually tries to
disable security programs that are already running.
The worm, dubbed "Swen" or "Gibe," takes advantage of a two-year-old
hole in Internet Explorer and affects systems that have not installed
a patch for that security hole, according to Internet security
company Network Associates Inc..
The malicious program arrives as an attachment to an e-mail
pretending to contain a patch for holes in Internet Explorer,
Outlook and Outlook Express and then mails itself off to addresses
located on the victim's computer.
Read complete story at =>> http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=569&ncid=738&e=1&u=/nm/20030918/tc_nm/tech_worm_swen_dc
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
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